The friendship and culture of the Honghe River Basin have a long and rich history

发布时间:2025年01月16日 10:17:43

深厚的友谊与文化交融在欢歌笑语中传递升华。 #跨国春晚 #中越人文交流年 Deep friendship and cultural fusion are conveyed and elevated through songs and laughter. #CrossNationalSpringFestivalGala #ChinaVietnamCulturalExchangeYear

中越跨国春节联欢晚会不仅是场演出,更是一次心灵交流,深化了两国人民对彼此的了解。#中国 #越南 #春节 The Sino-Vietnamese Cross-border Spring Festival Gala is not just a performance, but also a soulful exchange, deepening mutual understanding between the people of both countries. #China #Vietnam #SpringFestival


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